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React Native: Smooth scroll to a specific element in a list (using hooks)

· 2 min read

If you need to scroll to a specific View in a ScrollView, specified by a prop scrollToId to that page, do something like this:

const Component = ({ entities, scrollToId }) => {
const viewsRef = useRef({});
const scrollerRef = useRef();

useEffect(() => {
if (scrollToId == null) return;
const scrollToView = viewsRef.current[scrollToId];
if (!scrollToView) return;
scrollToView.measure((x, y, w, h) => scrollerRef.current.scrollTo({ x, y }));
}, [scrollToId]);

return (
<ScrollView ref={scrollerRef}>
{{ entityId }) => (
<View key={entityId} ref={(ref) => { viewsRef.current[entityId] = ref; }}>
{/* ... */}

Old non-hooks solution

render() {
const { entities, scrollToId } = this.props;

return (
<ScrollView ref={ref => {this.scrollerRef = ref; }}>
{ => {
const scrollThis = scrollToId != null && scrollToId ===;

return (
ref={scrollThis ? (ref) => { this.scrollToRef = ref; } : undefined}
onLayout={scrollThis ? this.onLayout : undefined}
<Text>Some stuff to show from entity</Text>

onLayout = () => {
this.scrollToRef.measure((x, y, width, height, pageX, pageY) => {
if (this.scrollerRef) this.scrollerRef.scrollTo({ x: pageX, y: pageY });

entities is assumed to be a list of something you want to render, with a unique prop id.